Home / Everest Ayurveda OTC Medicines / Neelibhringadi Coconut Oil


Promotes the growth of hair by strengthening the hair roots

Prevents premature graying and alopecia

Recommended in headache also

Neelibhringadi Coconut Oil

Each 10ml is prepared out of :
Indigofera tinctoria Lf. Jce. 0.96ml.
Eclipta alba Pl. Jce. 0.96ml.
Cardiospermum halicacabum Pl. Jce. 0.96ml.
Emblica officinalis Fr. Jce. 0.96ml.
Glycyrrhiza glabra Rt. Pst. 0.12g.
Abrus precatorius Rt. Pst. 0.12g.
Black antimony Pst. 0.12g.
Coconut Milk 0.96ml.
Buffalo Milk 0.96ml.
Cow Milk 0.96ml.
Coconut oil 10g.