Home / Everest Ayurveda Kashayam / Nisakathakadi Kashayam


For diabetic complaints

For excessive thirst and skin problems in diabetes.

For(Thoyapana) drinking water in diabetic patients


Add 5-10g. powder to 100 -150ml boiling water,stir well (filtered if required) and take in empty stomach twice daily or as directed by the PHYSICIAN.

Nisakathakadi Kashayam

Each 10g. is Prepared out of :
Salacia reticulate Rt. Pdr. 1.5g.
Curcuma longa Rz. Pdr. 1.5g..
Emblica officinalis Fr. Pdr. 1.5g.
strychnos potatorum Sd. Pdr. 1.5g.
Aerva lanata Rt. Pdr. 1.5g.
Ixora coccinea Rt. Pdr. 1.5g.
Vetiveria zizanioides Rt. Pdr. 1.5g.
Sympolcos cochinchinensis St.Bk. Pdr. 1.5g.